Domain Age Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Domain Age Checker

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About Domain Age Checker

Domain Age Checker checks the domain age, when it was created, the last updated date, the expiry dates and gives a detailed report. It is useful when you want to know the age of a domain, if it is still active and how many days are left before it expires. 


This tool is very useful for a website owner to prepare psychologically for renewal budgets and ensure the availability of resources before the domain expires. One can also use it to authenticate the age of a domain they are interested in.


It is easy to use a domain age checker to check personal or business domain details. You just need to enter the domain name you want to check and it will generate a detailed summary. After that, you can view all the information about your domain.


With the Domain Age Checker, you can:

  1. Check the age of a domain name
  2. Get the date your domain was created
  3. When it was last updated
  4. How many days are left until your domain expires
  5. Learn when your domain name expires

How to use the Domain Age Checker:

  1. Enter the domain name you want to check. Example:
  2. Click 'Get Domain Age'.
  3. The Domain Age Checker will give you the details you need to know about your domain name.
  4. If you want to check the age of another domain name, click 'Try New Domain' and it will do it for you.