Keywords Suggestion Tool

Search Engine Optimization

Keywords Suggestion Tool

Enter your keyword

About Keywords Suggestion Tool

This tool helps find the phrases that people are searching for online. They are the relevant keywords to use in your content or when creating Ads.


  1. Improves SEO: Helps you target the right keywords for better search rankings.
  2. Increases Traffic: Drives more relevant visitors to your site.
  3. Saves Time: Quickly finds keywords without manual research.
  4. Identifies Trends: Spots trending keywords in your niche.
  5. Optimizes Content: Enhances your content strategy with targeted keywords.


How to Search for Keywords Online:

  1. Use Google Search: Type in a topic and look at autocomplete suggestions.
  2. Try Keyword Tools: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersugges or
  3. Check Competitors: Analyze keywords used by competitors' websites.
  4. Explore Forums: Look for commonly discussed topics in forums or social media.
  5. Use Analytics: Check your own website analytics for popular search terms.
  • SEO Keywords by Length
  • Short-Tail Keywords: These are 1-2 words. High competitive and search volume.

Examples: "shoes," "digital marketing."

  • Mid-Tail Keywords: These are 2-3 words. Medium competition and search volume.

Examples: "running shoes," "digital marketing tips."

  • Long-Tail Keywords: The 4 plus word phrases. They have high conversion rates, low competitive search volume.

Examples: "best running shoes for beginners," "affordable digital marketing tips for startups.


How to use Keywords Suggestion Tool at

  1. Enter your keyword example Kids storybooks and submit.
  2. You will get your keywords to use.
  3. Click  ‘try new document’ to generate other keywords.